What’s cooking?
Meals are cooked daily on the premises, using fresh, unprocessed ingredients wherever possible. We do not serve fried food, but offer grilled or baked alternatives. All pies, cakes etc. are cooked from basic ingredients, although we do utilise some pre-prepared foods such as fish fingers, sausages and ice cream.
Our menus are formulated to meet the recommendations of modern nutritionists as well as the wishes of both parents and children. Meals provide a reasonable amount of protein, are high in carbohydrates and use the minimum of seasonings.
We operate a 4-weekly rolling menu which changes at the beginning of the summer months and the winter months, which you can view using the links below.
We are very proud of our 5 stars rating under the Food Hygiene Ratings Scheme run by Swindon Borough Council in partnership with the Food Standards Agency. Visit the Food Standards Agency website to view our rating.
This week’s menu
Additional information
Babies are offered the same diet as the older children wherever possible, pureed or mashed as appropriate for their stage of development. Parents are welcome to supply alternative baby foods if they wish.
Our main aim is that meal times should be a pleasurable and rewarding experience. We believe that food is a very important part of the day and should meet each child’s nutritional, cultural and emotional needs.
Individual diets are catered for in consultation with parents, and if necessary other health professionals. We feel very strongly that we have a responsibility to honour parents' wishes and cultural requirements, such as special diets on religious or other grounds. We also feel it is vital that no child should be made to feel self conscious about special dietary requirements, so we try to offer foods which meet all needs wherever possible.
Allergy and dietary guidelines
North Star Nursery operates a Food Safety Management System and all our dishes are subject to a Risk Assessment whereby all ingredients are listed and any allergens identified. These are available to view in your child's room. Alternatively, should you wish, please get in touch via telephone ( 01793 411994 ) or email ( info@northstarnursery.co.uk ), about your child's individual needs.
Following the new allergen legislation and advice from the Environmental Health, we now have to ask that any homemade birthday cakes, biscuits, etc. are brought into nursery in a sealed container with a list of ingredients and the date they were made, and shop-bought cakes in their original unopened box.
All dishes may contain allergens. We strive to have nut-free classrooms. We may occasionally substitute menu items due to the availability of fresh ingredients.

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