Start their adventure today
We have four main classes: Explorers and Adventurers (under 2s), Pioneers (2-3 years), Discoverers (3-5) and our Holiday Club (5 - 11 years). Each of the classes have their own set activities and development milestones, from sensory activities for our under 2s right through to pre-school preparation for our Discoverers.
At the end of each day, parents receive a written diary page, giving you an insight into what your child has done throughout the day. For some ages, children produce many drawings and artworks that will be placed in their tray for you to take home. Displays on the wall also allow you and your child to take pride in their achievements.
(under 2s)
The under two's unit is managed flexibly over two rooms, allowing joint or separate age-appropriate activities depending on the numbers and ages of the children who are present on each day.
Room to explore
Activities are planned and rotated to ensure the same opportunities for all the children. Children enjoy taking part in sensory activities: playing with sand, water, musical instruments and the treasure basket, as well as the more messy paint, jelly, slime, ice and pasta.
Young children are encouraged to vocalise and language is promoted through songs, stories and of course asking and talking with your child. Familiar words are repeated and no doubt your child will soon learn the word train, and watch from the window daily as they go past the station.
Finding their feet
Once they become mobile in some way (shuffling, crawling, walking), your child can choose for themselves from the activities provided. These range from mini-world floor play (zoo, farm and cars), construction, (Duplo, stickle bricks), music and dance, puzzles and art, and messy play.
Children are encouraged to hold their own cups at meal times and, as they progress, to feed themselves. This develops their self-help skills, no matter how messy it is.
Your child will be able to explore the outside world. Children are taken for regular walks in buggies, and when they are mobile they can play in the nursery garden.
Sweet dreams
Our dedicated sleep rooms are fitted with listening monitors, and one has a viewing window for the safety of younger babies. Children gradually progress from cots to mattresses once they are able to stand.

(2-3 years)
A mixture of free-choice and adult-led activities ensure that your child has the opportunity to explore a balance of stimulating roles to aid their development. Table top activities are more evident for this age group. Children are encouraged to sit at an activity until they have finished, rather than wander around with pieces in their hands, so they learn that everything has a place, and gain knowledge of their environment and how to care for it.
Your child will experience sand, water, art and craft, and music and movement sessions. The garden is an ideal place to learn about the outside world and our pioneers love to propel themselves on trikes and bikes. Once a week on Welly Day, the children spend most of the day outside, taking part in activities that make full use of the outdoor space. Inside, the introduction of a weather board and simple science experiments support this learning too.
Building confidence
As a Pioneer, your child will meet many challenges and become more confident as he/she asserts themselves with their environment and among their peers. During this time, we encourage self-help skills, such as putting on their own hat and coat, and provide support for your child to grow in confidence to feed themselves and use an open top beaker. We will also discuss potty training with you, support your child as they learn to use first a potty and then a toilet, and can provide advice when needed.
Sweet dreams
At this age, many children still benefit from a lunchtime nap or a rest. Pioneers enjoy some quiet time after lunch. The lights are turned down and the children settle down on their mattresses for a nap. Older children who need less sleep are encouraged to read stories quietly with staff to recharge themselves for the afternoon of fun ahead.

(3-5 years)
Because older children need to prepare for school, you will find subtle differences in the Discoverers' room.
Activities can be set at different levels to develop each child's individual abilities. Number recognition and counting are encouraged each day through songs, rhymes and numeracy and problem solving activities. Handwriting skills are gradually encouraged through drawing, tracing, joining-the-dots and mark-making. Threading and peg boards also help to hone fine motor skills.
Discoverers spend a great deal of time outside playing and learning in the garden. Wet weather is no barrier to fun when wrapped up in their all-in-one waterproof suits and wellies splashing in puddles is the order of the day.
Our welly days provide an opportunity for Discoverers to spend most of the day outside making the most of the outdoor space. Short outings to the park, on the bus, and to the station further develop their awareness of the world around them and provide more opportunities for fun.
Encouraging independence
Children are supported to develop more advanced self-help skills so that by the time they are ready for school they can put on and fasten their coat, take off and put on shoes, go to the toilet, wash their hands and wipe their nose.
Sweet dreams
Any Discoverers who like to nap at lunchtime are able to join their Pioneer friends for a quiet lie down and a rest.

Holiday Club
(5-11 years)
Our holiday club caters for children from primary school entry to 11 years old. We aim to provide a happy, secure place for children to enjoy their school holidays. We provide two snacks during the day fruit and biscuits or home-cooked goodies and drinks are available at any time. We ask you to bring along a packed lunch and suitable outdoor clothing (e.g. raincoat, sun hat).
Choice of activities
A qualified play-worker and support staff supervise activities such as art and craft, cooking (and eating and washing up!), board games, table football and pool, and outdoor games. Children can join in as much or little as they like. We also have a selection of music, video and computer games including a Wii. Children of this age often like to bring games and DVDs from home to share with their friends.
There is usually a theme for the longer holidays based on ideas from the children past themes have included Dr Who and Superheroes. One-off special activities or outings may be arranged on particular days. Children are encouraged to suggest activities for holiday club to keep the programme of activities fun and interesting!
There is plenty of time to enjoy the garden or to visit younger brothers and sisters in the nursery.
If you wish, you can check on your child during the day by phone, and often parents like to meet their children for lunch. Your child will complete a day sheet to let you know what they have done during their time with us.

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